Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Law lets librarians oust reeking readers

You know, I'm not advocating this law for Toronto, I'm just saying, if you'd ever been in one of the downtown libraries you wouldn't ask, like one of the librarians in this article, "A woman who wears a strong perfume? A person who had a garlicky meal?" I probably object to strong perfume more than the next guy, but some of those folks in the downtown libraries in Toronto, the smell permeates the whole building, I don't think I could work in a place that smelled that bad all day, every day.
Last Updated Tue, 08 Mar 2005 14:54:34 EST
CBC News
SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIF. - Librarians in a county in California can kick out readers who stink, under a law recently adopted by the system's board.
The 14 libraries in San Luis Obispo County have had rules that ban offensive body odours since 1994, but the policy became law after the board of supervisors adopted an ordinance last month that lets them oust reeking guests.
Visitors can also be asked to leave if they fight, sleep, play games, eat, drink, or print or look up illegal materials on library computers.
"The point is to make the library a comfortable, safe place for everyone to use," Moe McGee, assistant director of the San Luis Obispo City-County Library, told the Associated Press.
Yet some librarians are already predicting they could have trouble enforcing the new rule.
"What is bad odour?" said Irene Macias, Santa Barbara's library services manager. "A woman who wears a strong perfume? A person who had a garlicky meal?"
The county is located on the state's central coastline, halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco.

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