Since I've been off work, I've been sleeping in and staying up late watching TV playing solitaire on the computer - in fact, the other night I almost beat my all time best run. Anyway, on Thursday night, I was doing just that when I saw on the local news that the Star Trek convention was coming to town.
Now, I'll admit that I love the show, I'll even admit that once, as a pre-teen, I attended a convention. I've admitted this in the past, and despite the fact that all my friends know this, they pretend they had no idea and act shocked and mock me for weeks. (In fact, you'll see from the comment section of this post what I'm talking about.) I'll even admit that I went to see the "Star Trek Experience" at the Hilton when we were in Las Vegas, which, to clear up any misunderstanding, is not a convention but a very over-priced ride.
Anyway, a few years ago, Ash and PP watched that movie Trekkies, it's about extreme trekkies, people who insist on being called "the commander" at their job at Kinko's, or the Star Trek themed dental office. They hadn't watched Star Trek an assumed that all of the millions of people who watched the show were that way. They asked me ridiculous questions and mocked me mercilessly - as if touching yourself and thinking of "Dr. McDreamy" is so much more respectable than enjoying a little science fiction!
Later they both told me that they wanted to go to a Star Trek convention to laugh at the hideous nerds, but that every time they thought of it, it had just passed. So, when I saw on the news that the convention was this weekend I sent them a quick email to let them know.
The next morning, I'm still in bed, and the phone rings, a long distance ring. I try to get up, but never make it off the bed. About 45 seconds later, the phone rings again, another long distance ring. At this point, I start thinking, it's the same person calling twice because it's some kind of emergency. I pick up the phone and it's Ashley. She's going bananas about the convention and trying to figure out the logistics and if she can afford the expenditure. I hang up the phone and saunter over to my computer. Then 5 seconds after I'm on, PP pops up, "Did you get my message on your phone?" I say, no. "I just called you about the Star Trek!" I say, I just talked to Ash about it. We talk about it for a bit, PP is about to burst from excitement about laughing at the hideous nerds, when I point out that the website says there's a dance on the Saturday night of the convention. PP, "OMIGOD! There's a dance!?!?"
Suffice it to say, I spent the last 48 hours fielding phone calls about the convention because I went to one nearly 20 years ago. And know, I am not going to join in the nerd hunt. My friends are hilarious and totally insane all at the same time.
It's nearly 11pm on Saturday night. All the hideous, socially awkward nerds and geeks are cutting the rug, probably very badly, at the convention dance. I don't know if the girls decided to go to that, or wait until the harsh light of day to see them tomorrow. But either way, Ash, PP, LD, I hope you have fun spending 50 bucks to laugh at people at the Star Trek convention, and I can't wait to see the horrendous pictures on your blogs.
a dance? oh yeah, that's worth seeing!
I don't know they might be exceptional dancers like Napolean
Unfortunately we were unable to attend the dance or the Kling On Karaoke. We're saving that for next year. It was just Melissa and I the others bailed. We only paid $10 for a 2 hour visitor pass, but we went late sunday so the broo ha ha had subsided. We did however see a few outfits and i tried to take pics from a far so we shall see how good they actually turned out. We made our own shirts though :) I'll post them on my blog soon.
I was telling this story at a party tonight, and one of the homos made an excellent point about you guys going to a star trek convention to mock the hideous nerds. He said, "That's not fair, they're in their safe place."
Shame on you Ash and Melissa, shame
Oh please!! We made shirts and were good sports. Melissa even bought a mug with spock on it and we didn't point and laugh at all.
Ignore that, i posted it twice for some reason ...
i think that they wanted to go because they are strangely attracted to nerds but wont admit it. i think ash will end up with a nerd for life. PP will end up with nerdS. and they may just be friends with you because you are a......
I'm certainly a nerd, and if you're suggesting that they are sexually attracted to me, I can't think of any reason why they wouldn't be - I'm a fox!
I just spit my water all over my desk at work laughing LOL.
That is a great post. I loved Trekkies. That movie made me laough so hard so often. Nice blog.
Jenni - Of course we're hot stuff....
Thanks Scott!
Thanks PP
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