Friday, March 11, 2005

Imagine that, TV isn't realistic:

The proliferation of shows based on forensic evidence, such as CSI and its various offspring, have created unrealistic expectations not only among families whose loved ones have been victims of crime, but among police officers and juries as well, actual forensic scientists say. Not only does everyone seem to think that complicated cases involving hundreds of hair, saliva and other samples can be solved in under an hour, but the amount of forensic evidence being collected and submitted to labs has skyrocketed, on the assumption that it can all be processed as easily as it is on TV. At a recent conference in Washington, a forensic expert said that between 200,000 and 300,000 DNA samples are currently backlogged at U.S. research labs, part of an overall evidence backlog that is likely 10 times that size. But did anyone mention how every show has a foxy blonde scientist who always wears tight T-shirts, and every lab has more high-tech equipment than NASA?

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