U.S. court dismisses Agent Orange suit
NEW YORK (AP) — A federal judge today dismissed a lawsuit charging that American chemical companies committed war crimes against Vietnamese citizens by making Agent Orange, the defoliant used during the Vietnam War that allegedly caused birth defects, miscarriages and cancer.
"There is no basis for any of the claims of plaintiffs under the domestic law of any nation or state or under any form of international law," U.S. District Judge Jack Weinstein in Brooklyn wrote in a 233-page ruling. "The case is dismissed."
Lawyers who filed the lawsuit on behalf of some four million Vietnamese argued that Agent Orange, which is laden with the highly toxic chemical dioxin, was a poison barred by international rules of war.
Lawyers for Monsanto, Dow Chemical and more than a dozen other companies said they should not be punished for following what they believed to be the legal orders of the nation's commander in chief.
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