The first picture is our breakfast at Carl's Jr. Yes, I got three sides with my meal, but I shared them. Does anyone know why they call it Carl's Jr. anyway, why not Carl Jr.'s? The second is a picture of the only veggies Ash ate all weekend, deep fried zucchini. The third picture is of another kind of gluttony, the 40$ steak type, but it was a really really good steak, possibly the best I've ever had. Thanks Nathan. The 4th picture is of a bucket of soup that Ashley ordered in a restaurant on Freemont st. I'm not exagerating, this soup was the circumferance of a dinner plate, and 6 inches deep. I won't say that my meal was any less gluttonous, it was just less photogenic. The last picture is PP's blueberry griddle cakes from the IHOP. All I can say about these griddle cakes, is that they had so many blueberries on them that they reminded me of the pie eating contest scene in the movie Stand By Me. But they were tasty.
LOL!!! shall I send the picture of my griddle cakes to post in that one as well? LOL!!
That soup was going to be the death of me.
Nice biceps!
Yrautca, surely you mean, "Nice flabby arms, lardass!"
Ash, you seemed to be enjoying it at the time, especially the part where you picked up the bowl and drank the last few mouthfulls, then ate the clam shells.
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