I went to see a production of Harry Potter and the Prisonner of Azkaban last night. My little sister was in it. Very good production. The best part of the whole thing was that she played Dudley Dursley, Harry's spoiled cousin.
Yrautca, You're such a weirdo. And my sister is only 15 years younger than me. PP, She's not so little any more, almost my height in fact. She walks and talks, and all those things that 'tweens do.
your sister? Lat time I checked, she was a tiny little thing.
so jenni's parents had sex like 20/25 years after she was born, or what?
Jenni's mom, i mean no offense if you are reading this. i generally tend to be a very decent guy. very appropriate for your daughter.
You're such a weirdo. And my sister is only 15 years younger than me.
She's not so little any more, almost my height in fact. She walks and talks, and all those things that 'tweens do.
aha! harry potter! mystery solved.
Yeah, we had an extra ticket and everything, but you were off in NYC watching Broadway plays instead.
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