Friday, March 07, 2008

Burnt Toast!

I woke up in the middle of the night last night and I smelled burnt toast! It made me think of this.


Tokyo Tintin said...

I love Dr Penfield. After all, he did draw the roadmap to the human brain.

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Princess Pessimism said...

OHHHH...I remember those commercials!

Princess Pessimism said... that I live in the TDOT, I will be MORE than happy to do some of those things on your list of things.

I dont know about the camping one...there's been a lot of "bear" Activity lately on the news...and although im intrigued but the "Secret task" i figure i'll let you go at that one alone as well...unless it involves me. then im in. I dont care what it is. LOL

Unknown said...

That's fantastic. I wish I had grown up seeing those historic moments...